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GreenWatchAmerica is an organization with a weekly newsletter dedicated to exposing the omissions, half-truths and outright lies of the radical Green Agenda, and to giving a voice to the Global Warming 'Deniers' throughout the scientific community.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

GreenWatch Newsletter 4 (July 29, 2008)

Featured Story:

Much has been written about the choice that developing nations have when it comes to global warming; a choice between curbing your emissions or growing your economy. India, which, according to the CIA World Fact Book has more than 1.1 billion people, has made its choice:

In India, Growth Trumps Sustainability

(Lawrence Solomon, National Post)

As detailed by Lawrence Solomon, author of "The Deniers," India examined the facts and the needs of its people and came to the conclusion that continuing to develop their economy in order to combat poverty and starvation was priority number one. Stifling their economy to combat global warming somehow didn't make their final to-do list. But why?

"'No firm link between the changes described below and warming due to anthropogenic climate change has yet been established,' the report states matter-offactly, before proceeding to list the areas in which the science is not settled.

"Parts of India have warmed, the Action Plan explains, and parts have cooled. Monsoon rains have increased in some areas and decreased in others. There have been no marked long-term trends in droughts or floods. Some regions have had a greater and others a lesser frequency of severe storms. Neither do the Himalayan glaciers demonstrate any consistent trend."

Rather than put its people and economy at risk, India decided it was in its best interests to ignore the climate-change hullabaloo, after examining the facts and coming to the conclusion that the science was dubious at best.

In this regard, India is not alone. Several prominent scientists and politicians spoke out against the global warming 'consensus' this week:

Professor Kunihiko Takeda (vice-chancellor of the Institute of Science and Technology Research at Chubu University and one of the world's leading authorities on both uranium enrichment and recycling):

"Global warming has nothing to do with how much CO2 is produced or what we do here on Earth. For millions of years, solar activity has been controlling temperatures on Earth and even now, the sun controls how high the mercury goes. CO2 emissions make absolutely no difference one way or another. Soon it will cool down anyhow, once again, regardless of what we do. Every scientist knows this, but it doesn't pay to say so. What makes a whole lot of economic and political sense is to blame global warming on humans and create laws that keep the status quo and prevent up-and-coming nations from developing. Global warming, as a political vehicle, keeps Europeans in the driver's seat and developing nations walking barefoot."

Dr. Muriel Newman (Established the New Zealand Centre for Political Debate):

"Around the world, as controversy over climate change continues to grow, it remains very clear that contrary to what the politicians tell us, not only is there is no consensus of scientific thought on this matter, but the science is certainly not settled.

In fact, in a bizarre twist of fate, at a time when advocates of man-made global warming continue to push government policies to restrict energy use and the burning of fossil fuels in order to prevent 'catastrophic' warming, the world continues to cool. That is leading to increasing scepticism that the call to sacrifice living standards in order to "save the planet" is just political spin designed to persuade the public to accept green taxes."
Professor Bob Carter [Research Professor at James Cook University (Queensland) and the University of Adelaide (South Australia)]:
"No significant increase in global average temperature has occurred since 1998 despite an increase in carbon dioxide over the same period of about 5%...
There are alternative, very soundly based views on the effects of carbon dioxide and warming of the climate.
A human effect on global climate change has not yet been distinguished and measured . . . meanwhile, global temperature change is occurring, as it always naturally does, and a phase of cooling has succeeded the mild late 20th century warming...
Natural climate change will continue with some of its likely manifestations, such as sea-level rises and coastal change in particular locations. Adaptation to that will not be aided by imprudent restructuring of the world's energy."
Syun-Ichi Akasofu (Professor of Physics, Emeritus, was the director of the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks from its establishment in 1998 until January of 2007):
"There are so many times the Earth was warmer than now, or colder than now. We are not affecting the climate change."
Lord Nigel Lawson (British politician, was Chancellor of the Exchequer under Margaret Thatcher):
"The one thing that is absolutely clear about the science is that it isn't certain, far from it."
The consensus is breaking down because no matter how much the global warming agenda-setters may want us to be, people are not sheep, to be led around and told what to think and what to say. You can only lie to us for so long before the truth exposes your movement for what it is; a dogma based on faulty science and ulterior motives.
Other Headlines:

(Lenore Taylor, The Australian)

(Jessica Cheng, Popular Science)

(Mairi Beautyman, treehugger.com)

Penn and Teller on Carbon Credits

(Warning: Strong language used for comedic effect)

(John Boudreau, San Jose Mercury News)

(Christopher Booker, The Telegraph)

Most Egregious Claim of the Week:

Have you ever noticed that the doomsday predictions of the global warming advocates never seem to come true? And that when these predictions turn out to be wrong, they're either completely ignored or only mentioned in passing by the media? We've got two tremendous examples this week of precisely this phenomenon First, courtesy of Andrew Bolt of the Herald Sun in Australia, we learn that as recently as last year, people were pointing to Perth, Australia and its historically low water levels as evidence that Global Warming was already rearing its ugly head (One even ventured to say that he thought Perth stood a good chance of becoming the 21st Century's first "ghost metropolis"). Unfortunately for those experts, they got the one thing they didn't count on happening this year: Rain in Perth. Now the water levels are at an eight year high, and even Scooby Doo couldn't find a ghost in their thriving metropolis.

Along those same lines, we've heard prediction after prediction after prediction about how the polar ice caps were absolutely definitely, no doubt about it inevitably going to melt away into nothingness this summer. Of course, as we've written about in this very space, they haven't. Not even close. You'd think that would put some humility into these Chicken Littles.

I wouldn't get your hopes up.

As it turns out, scientists have been making this very prediction for the last hundred years. First in the 20's and 30's, then again 40 years later:

New York Times, 1969: Expert Says Arctic Ocean Will Soon Be an Open Sea

This doesn't mean that any claim made by a contemporary scientist that was once made by an earlier one should be automatically dismissed (though most new hypotheses should be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism, just as scientists are taught to treat them). But when those scientists are immediately claiming that their unproven and untested claims should influence public policy, it's important for all of us, scientist, politician, and citizen alike, to step back and carefully examine not just the science, but all the factors and consequences of our actions. That's called being responsible. Our leaders could use that trait nowadays.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

GreenWatch Newsletter 3 (July 24, 2008)

Featured Story:
The Global Warming "consensus" is shattering right before our very eyes.

Of course it was inevitable that this would happen. One agenda, one overzealous movement cannot control all of the science and all of the discourse forever, especially not when the facts start to lead people to the opposite conclusion. As Lord John Maynard Keynes, a British economist, once said, "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

David Evans is a rocket scientist who served as a consultant to the Australian Greenhouse Office for 6 years. When he started in 1999, he bought into all the doomsday hype, and devoted himself to the study of the issue. By 2007, "the evidence was pretty conclusive that carbon played only a minor role and was not the main cause of the recent global warming."

  1. The greenhouse signature is missing. We have been looking and measuring for years, and cannot find it.
  2. There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming. None.
  3. The satellites that measure the world's temperature all say that the warming trend ended in 2001, and that the temperature has dropped about 0.6C in the past year (to the temperature of 1980).
  4. The new ice cores show that in the past six global warmings over the past half a million years, the temperature rises occurred on average 800 years before the accompanying rise in atmospheric carbon. Which says something important about which was cause and which was effect.
Read the entire article here. It's well worth your time, and shatters almost every myth about global warming you've ever heard.

I say almost, because there are a few topic he simply doesn't have time to get into. Like hurricanes, for example. Fortunately, there are other scientists around to pick up the slack:

A staple of the Al Gore (more on him later) fear mongering platform has been to convince people that more global warming equals more, stronger hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, oppressive heat, frigid cold... Anything bad you can possibly think of, Al Gore would like to blame on Global Warming. So tell me, Al Gore: What do you have against kittens?
Sure this is good fun, but it leads me to a more serious point. Al Gore and his Goracles have been spending a lot of time trying to convince us that more warming will inevitably lead to disaster. But isn't it just as likely that a warmer earth will actually be good, not only for humans, but for all life? In earth's history, warmer climates have invariably led to lush, full flora and thriving fauna, and colder climates, well...500 years ago, the Viking colonies on Greenland died out because the climate grew too cold to grow crops there. 230 years ago, New York Harbor froze over, letting people walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. Throughout history, cold has been worse for life, and heat has been better. Why has this suddenly changed now?
More Headlines :
Most Egregious Claim of the Week:
Who else could it go to but the man himself? In a speech on July 17, Al Gore demanded that the United States, in the next 10 years, abandon all of the electricity generated by fossil fuels in favor of carbon-free renewable sources (wind, solar, geothermal etc.). Gore's demands are almost impossible and would be incredibly expensive to implement, but who cares about petty things like reality when "The survival of the United States of America as we know it is at risk...The future of human civilization is at stake."

Gore's claims are becoming more and more hyperbolic as more and more Americans begin to realize just how absurd this global warming nonsense really is. In fact, it's entirely possibly that Al Gore himself realizes how absurd these claims really are. After all, he and his crew showed up for his speech on the environment in two Lincoln Towncars and an SUV, which were left idling with the AC cranked up for 20 minutes while he gave his speech. His mansion in Tennessee produces a carbon footprint 20 times the size of the average American home. In Gore's case, it really is do as he says, not as he does.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

GreenWatch Newsletter 2 (July 15, 2008)

If you've been paying even cursory attention to the Global Warming issue this year, you've probably heard some activists claim that this might be the summer where the polar ice caps completely disappear (for example, check out this story from the Sydney Morning Herald, or this one from AFP). With all this 'doom speak,' we thought you might want to take a look at the state of the North Pole as of Saturday, July 12, and judge for yourself:

Arctic Ice Looking Pretty Solid

From the same site, we find this graph, which shows that there is, in fact, more ice covering the Arctic Circle this year than there was last year.

This is only one of many recent examples of global warming activists making bold, frightening claims about the repercussions of global climate change, with little or no accountability to science or fact. For an exhaustive list of the possible changes some have attributed to global

warming, click here. Just yesterday, Texas University researchers added another to the list:

Global Warming May Increase Kidney Stones

Time Magazine called this "some of the most compelling science to date linking climate change with adverse public-health effects." Unfortunately, Time Magazine has not noted the real life consequences anti-global warming legislation has had, particularly on the world's poor.

In England they've been ahead of the curve in enacting this kind of legislation, and subsequently way ahead in observing some of the disastrous effects of it:

Global Warming Laws Hit the Poor Hardest
(Janet Daley, The Telegraph)

Why do we so rarely hear about these real life ramifications, when we are so frequently inundated with the purely hypothetical projections that are so often disproven by science? And why do we so rarely hear about it when they are disproven?

More Headlines:

Global Warming Out, Global Cooling In
(Texas News Analyst)

Global Warming, Hurricane Link Contested By Same Scientist Who Promoted It
(Curtis Krueger, St. Petersburg Times)

Global Warming: Old News?


Most Egregious Claim of the Week

We here at GreenWatch do not dismiss the possibility of man-made global climate change as just that; a possibility. It seems to us that science has revealed many many more possibilities as the cause of some of this warming, as well as the possibility that the earth really isn't warming abnormally at all. We believe this topic deserves a fair and honest debate on the scientific merits. Instead, we get a United States Congressman telling a group of high school students that Global Warming caused everything from a 1993 conflict in Somalia to Hurricane Katrina:

Congressman: Global Warming Caused Black Hawk Down, Crisis in Darfur, Hurricane Katrina
(Josiah Ryan, CNS News)

It is our goal at GreenWatch to counter the hyperbole of Mr. Markey and activists like him by offering facts and candid analysis. We hope, if you like what we do, that you'll take the time to tell your friends about us. They can sign up to receive the newsletter here.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

GreenWatch Newsletter 1 (July 5, 2008)

The glaciers are breaking up!

No not THOSE glaciers, they are doing fine. In fact, in California they're growing:

(CBC News)

No, I mean the glacier of conventional wisdom on global warming/climate change is, if not actually breaking up, then at least severely endangered by the accelerating accumulation of contrary evidence.

Featured Story:

One of the central conceits of the Radical Eco-Movement is that climate change - any climate change - equals bad and status quo equals ideal. Oddly enough, this position was rarely voiced when humanity was engrossed in an ice age. No, the global warming promoters would have you believe that this current environment is the absolute ideal one, not only for humans but for all forms of life. Unfortunately for them (and fortunately for us), these positions are often not consistent with elementary school science. For instance, you might remember learning
way, way back in second grade or so that more carbon dioxide, rather than being a vicious pollutant, is actually good for green and growing things. Well, it seems some scientists in Germany just remembered that:

German Scientists Believe High Levels of CO2 May Be Good For Plants

Stunning, I know! For more information on the potential benefits to the earth of a warmer climate and more CO2, you can read "In Praise of CO2" by Lawrence Solomon of the National

Post and author of The Deniers.

More Headlines:

NY Times: Greenland's Ice Sheet May Not Be Melting Afterall
(Andrew C. Revkin, New York Times)

Hypothesis: Global Warming = Mass Neurosis?
(Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal)

Confirmed: Australian Psychiatrists Identify First Case of "Climate Change Delusion"
(Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, Australia)

Most Egregious Claim of the Week:

Laurie David, writing for the Huffington Post, claims that the recent sighting of two polar bears on Iceland is an extremely rare occurence. Citing the expertise of her flyfishing guide, she attributes the migration to global warming. Via Planet Gore and, of all things, Seaworld, we learn that this is false: Polar bears have been seen in Iceland during heavy ice years (See line 3, b in the Seaworld link). In fact, Icelandic farmers know to shoot a Polar Bear on sight, or else suffer decimation of their livestock.